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There’s no “right way” to run a business. Business leaders are faced with numerous important decisions each day. The way they choose to approach these decisions can profoundly impact strategic development, business outlook, and—ultimately—sales. ​

The business model you decide to align yourself with may depend on your company’s specific strengths, business goals, and target market demands. If you’re a small business, deciding which business orientation approach (or approaches) to take can be challenging. ​

Most businesses don’t stick to a single orientation approach. Instead, they’re more likely to combine elements of each alternative. Understanding your business orientation can help you effectively direct your efforts in product development, sales, and marketing. ​

Business orientation refers to how a company or organisation approaches its strategies for success. As a business, being successful means outlining a strategy and following it to achieve your goals. ​

There are basically five types of business orientations.​
Understanding each orientation can help you better decide which one best suits your business.​
Production orientation​
Product orientation​
Sales orientation​
Market orientation​
Societal marketing orientation​

It’s important to note that these approaches aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, most modern businesses will have their own approach to business that might combine ideas from each approach, or take another one altogether. ​
Let’s take a more in-depth look at what each orientation means, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as some real-life business examples that illustrate how they work. ​

Within the mindTech orientation program, regular orientation trainings and sessions are organized within the MindTech Mission, Vision, Target and Focus areas for our colleagues in professional and managerial roles who continue to work within MindTech, while orientation programs and seminars are provided to our new teammates who have just joined MindTech. .

MindTech Orientation Programme​

  • Welcome to MindTech family
  • General company introduction, our offices, our organization, our processes
  • Our technology business, technology in our business
  • The ecosystem we are involved in, we placed in and our goals
  • Local and Global Technology and MindTech
  • Our business partners, customers, products and services
  • Career and education plans at MindTech, MindTech Academy
  • Where is MindTech located in the future and digital technology
  • Our social responsibility awareness and our programs